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Information collected by us

We only collect information, which is useful as per our requirements. It totally depends on you, whether you wish to share your personal details with us or not. However, please be warned that some services that we offer will not be made available to you if you do not share the information required by us.

We will ask for your personal information under the following conditions

When you

  • Buy or reserve a product with our website
  • Submit an enquiry for a product
  • Provide suggestions for improving our website
  • Request us for our brochure
  • Register with our website to receive information about our products and special offers
  • Participate in any of our online surveys
  • Send a job application

Why this information is collected

  • In order to communicate with you
  • In order to collect information like domain names, IP addresses and email addresses etc., to analyze the traffic in terms of people interests and usage trends from a specific country or region.
  • In order to keep you informed about our new products and services
  • In order to provide you effective customer services
  • In order to prevent any unauthorized and illegal use of the website

How this information is useful to us

Booking Requests

When a user books any product or services with us, he/she is asked for his personal information, which is then used to process his booking request. The customer will get a follow up phone call or an email. Moreover, the booking will be confirmed by either a phone call or an email.

Request for services availed will be fulfilled by the third parties hence the information will be shared with them to process the booking. They may or may not be located in UK.

Enquiry on our products

A quotation will be generated from the information submitted by you while enquiring about our products or completing a survey via forms available on our website. A follow up email or a phone call regarding the query can be expected by the user.

Requests for Brochure

The information shared by you while requesting for our brochure will never be used in any way other than for sending you the brochure.

Surveys and Feedback's

We highly appreciate the feedback given by you on our website. It really assists us in improving our services. Your feedback and the personal information shared while giving a feedback are both significant to us. The feedback will be incorporated to improve our products and services, while the personal information will only be used to communicate with you.

If you participate in surveys available on our site voluntarily, the personal information collected through the forms will only be used for analysis purposes. The personal information shared by you will be undisclosed and impassable.

Backlinks to other sites

On our website, you will find a number of links leading you to third party websites. These have been added for your convenience. The nature of content provided by these sites is beyond the purview of Please be aware that these sites will not adhere to our Privacy Policy. We advise you to go through their Terms and Privacy policy documents before accessing the websites.

Cookies and similar web technologies

For information about our use of cookies or other web technologies, please see our cookies policy.

Product and special offers E-mailers occasionally sends emails informing its users and customers about their current deals/offers on products & services, latest updates and contests. The personal information you have shared while accessing such information will not be used for anything else other than that described in this privacy policy. You can unsubscribe from our emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link available on the E-mailer.

Have doubts about the security of your information?

Your personal details shared with us, will not be compromised to any third party. It will only be used for the uses laid down in this privacy policy.

Change in policy holds the right to change privacy policy at any point of time in future without any prior notice. The privacy policy will remain in force which was available at the time you registered with us.

Your Suggestions and Feedback

We solicit your opinion and invite feedback.

  • Any questions you may have about our products and services
  • Any new suggestions regarding our services
  • Any complaints or compliments on our products and services
  • Any questions on our privacy policy

Please write to us. We invite your emails on

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